15/05/2022 Bugs to the Future

Bugs to the future, sunday 15-05-2022, Meise (Brussels), Belgium

Join us at the Meise Botanic Garden to discover

the wonderful world of edible insects

Eaten daily in various parts of the world, edible insects are not usually on our plate in Belgium. But our little crawling friends have many benefits. They are a good source of protein, dietary fibre, beneficial fatty acids and micronutrients. Moreover, they are considered as a sustainable alternative protein source as they have a low land and water use as well as low levels of greenhouse gas emissions[1].

We invite you to discover this fascinating universe on Sunday 15 May at the Meise Botanic Garden during our event “Bugs to the future: are you ready for edible insects?”. In this beautiful setting, you will get the chance to taste various sorts of insect-based food and learn more about insect farming in Belgium (see our full programme).

Practical information:

Strategic Platform Insects - Stakeholders meeting - slide presentations

An event organised by Biif, Strategisch Platform Insecten, ValuSect and the Flemish Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Logo Interreg NW Europe ValuSect   logo BIIF Belgian Insect Industry Federation   Logo Strategisch Platform Insecten, BW full black real black beetle  Logo Flemish Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, BW half lion face

With the support of:

Logo Optimum Sorting

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