Het expertisecentrum Duurzame Biomassa en Chemie van Thomas More, campus Geel, start in oktober aan zijn derde jaar insectenopleiding. Ditmaal omvat deze hybride-opleiding zowel theoretische kennis, ...
How can we monitor the nutrient content of insects produced for human consumption?
The BEWARE project INSECTA (Crig-HELMO, HEPH-Condorcet and the company HEDELAB) is currently investigating how ...
End of June, BiiF participated in a Strategic Exercise Workshop of the big European SUSINCHAIN research on 30 June – 1 July 2022 in Porto, Portugal. We like to thank Kris Cools from our board for ...
Do you want to work with insects on a professional level?
In the fall of 2022 a new course to boost the Flemish insect sector is organized by the Belgian insect research group RADIUS. The course will ...